
Infographic – How Can We Promote the Borrowing of a Public Policy Already Tested Elsewhere?
This infographic presents 4 categories of factors that public health actors can mobilize when considering proposing the adoption in their jurisdiction of public policies that have already been tested elsewhere.

What Factors Can Public Health Actors Consider to Facilitate the Borrowing of a Public Policy?
This document presents a list of factors that public health actors can mobilize when considering proposing the adoption in their jurisdiction of public policies that have been effective elsewhere.

Public Policy Analysis Tool for Rapid Decision Making in Public Health
The NCCHPP has collaborated with the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) to develop a public policy analysis tool adapted to rapid decision-making contexts. This tool is particularly relevant in the context of a health emergency, where decisions must be made at an accelerated pace.

Public Policy Competencies for Public Health: A Review of the Literature
This report presents findings from a scoping review with analysis of the literature on competencies for healthy public policy.

Understanding Public Policy Agenda Setting Using the 4 P’s Model: Power, Perception, Potency and Proximity
This briefing note on agenda setting helps one to understand the ranking of government priorities, that is, why some issues are prioritized and others ignored.

Fostering Evidence-informed Policy Making: Uncertainty Versus Ambiguity
This briefing note, by Paul Cairney of the University of Stirling, presents the importance of distinguishing between uncertainty and ambiguity in the strategies aimed to develop evidence-informed policy making.

Examples of the Use and Adaptation of the NCCHPP’s Framework for Analyzing Public Policies
The NCCHPP presents a few examples of use and adaptation of its Framework for Analyzing Public Policies by different public health actors in Canada. These six examples were collected during a call for stories, launched in December 2017.

An Introduction to Punctuated Equilibrium: A Model for Understanding Stability and Dramatic Change in Public Policies
This briefing note belongs to a series on the various models used in political science to represent public policy development processes.

A Public Policy Competency Framework for Public Health Actors
This briefing note offers an initial version of a competency framework for public health actors to support their work on public policy.

Keywords in Healthy Public Policy
This document explores the meanings of three expressions that are commonly used in public health, following the notion of keywords originally developed by Raymond Williams. The keywords presented here are linked to public policy, the social determinants of health and population health.